Rules of Accommodation

These rules of accommodation (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) regulate relations in the field of providing hotel services and other additional and related services (here in after referred to jointly as hotel services) LLC “Sever” (INN 9710085326, OGRN 1207700337371) to the hotel “A. Kosterev” (hereinafter referred to as the hotel), developed on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 132-FZ of 24.11.1996 “On the basics of tourist activity in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 of 07.02.1992. “On Consumer Rights Protection”, rules for registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation from the registration register at the place of stay and at the place of residence on the eve of the Day of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995. N 713″ On Approval of the Rules for Registration and De-Registration of Citizens of the Russian Federation at the Place of Stay and Place of Residence on the Eve of the Day of the Russian Federation and the List of Persons Responsible for Receiving and Transferring to the Registration Authority documents for Registration and De-Registration of Citizens of the Russian Federation at the Place of Stay and Place of Residence in the Russian Federation”, Rules for Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 No. 9 “On the procedure for migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless Persons in the Russian Federation”, and the Rules for the Provision of Hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18.11.2020 No. 1853.

* Hotel ” A. Kosterev ” is located at the address: Moscow, Tverskaya building 9A, structure 5
* The A. Kosterev Hotel is intended for temporary accommodation of guests for a period agreed with the hotel.
* The working hours of the hotel are round–the-clock.
* These rules provide for the public offer of the hotel “A. Kosterev” addressed to an unlimited circle of consumers interested in purchasing hotel services.
* These Rules of accommodation  are located on the reception and on the official website of the hotel “A. Kosterev”

A guest (consumer) is an individual who has the right to order or use hotel services exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

The customer is a natural or legal person, or an individual entrepreneur who has
the intention to order or purchase (ordering or acquiring) hotel services in favor of the consumer.

Hotel (contractor) – a means of accommodation (the territory of the hotel and other facilities providing its functionality, as well as equipment and other property) in which the hotel services of the hotel “A” are provided. Kosterev”, on their own or with the involvement of third parties.

Hotel services- a complex of services for the provision of accommodation facilities provided for by the rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation (temporary accommodation services for guests, household and other services provided by the hotel).

Additional services of the hotel-household services, parking spaces, transport and other services provided by the hotel on a paid basis, the list of which is not included in the cost of staying at the hotel specified in these Rules.

The reception and accommodation service is a division of the hotel located on the ground floor of the hotel, which carries out the reception and registration of arriving guests, their accommodation in the room.

Booking-securing a room (a place in a room) in a hotel for a Guest, under the conditions specified by the request of the customer or consumer and confirmation of this request by the contractor.

Check-out time is the time set by the hotel for the arrival and departure of guests (consumers).

The hotel day is the main unit of measurement for the period of stay in the hotel, the beginning of the hotel day (check–in time) is 14:00, the end of the hotel day (check-in time) is 12:00.

Check-out is a procedure for checking out and evicting a guest from a hotel at a fixed check-out time. According to the rules, staying is considered to be in hotel rooms.

A public offer is an offer of a hotel to conclude a contract for the provision of hotel services addressed to an unlimited number of persons interested in purchasing hotel services.

Acceptance is an agreement of a person interested in acquiring hotel services by concluding a contract for the provision of hotel services through the mediation of certain actions (payment, consent to payment).

Visitors are persons who do not live in the hotel. Guests meet with visitors in the lobby of the hotel. Illegal placement of visitors who have not been registered in a hotel room (foreign cars that are not registered persons) is regarded as a gross violation of the rules of hotel accommodation.

Price list-a systematized list of accommodation services with prices and short
-term characteristics of room types posted on the official website of the hotel , as well as in the reception and accommodation service.

The rendered service is an action (a set of actions) performed by the contractor to fulfill the obligations assumed in accordance with the law “On Consumer Rights Protection” and other regulatory acts (including local ones) regulating various types of activities.

Unproven service-non-fulfillment by the contractor of the obligations assumed to provide
paid services.
Not fully specified service is a service that is not provided at the same time with any services.
deviations from the declared characteristics.

Registration card is a document containing personalized information about the guest, the rules of accommodation and performing the function of an agreement between the hotel and the guest.

A gross violation of the rules of hotel accommodation is a situation in which the behavior of a guest or a hotel visitor offends the performer and his staff by properly observing their obligations to ensure the rest and safety of guests, or the actions of the guest (visitor) offend the honor and dignity of the actions of the service staff or guests, leading to damage or destruction of the property of the hotel, as well as violating The norms of the hotel’s local regulations are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A key card is an electronic key issued by a hotel guest for the possibility of unhindered access to the premises, moving around the hotel and receiving services paid for and provided by the contractor. In case of leakage / damage of the electronic key, a fine of 500 rubles is charged for each key.

A security payment is a certain amount that acts as a guarantee to cover obligations that have arisen in the future.

The hotel enters into a contract for the provision of hotel services with the guest by drawing up a document signed bilaterally (guest registration card), or by accepting a request for booking a room, including via the Internet, using online booking services, by e-mail and from the hotel’s website.

Upon check-in, the hotel pays for hotel services for the entire period of stay, in cash, by bank card, or by bank transfer.

Payment for the reservation is made on the basis of the received settlement invoices for payment and booking confirmation; on the hotel’s website or through an online booking system using Internet acquiring.

GOST allows you to pay for hotel services in full until they are provided in cash or by bank card, or by bank transfer, based on the invoices received for payment and written confirmation of the reservation, as well as on the hotel’s website, through an online booking system using Internet services.acquiring.

When performing actions to make a request for booking rooms, or directly when checking into a room, the hotel thereby confirms that it is familiar with the current rules of accommodation, fire safety rules, as well as agreed with the terms of provision of hotel rooms and related services, the service is provided by the hotel, which consents to the processing of personal data in accordance with clause 4 Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” dated 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ provides for the provision of a copy and original of a passport or other identity document (the list is confirmed by paragraph 18 Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18.11.2020 No. 1853), and does not reflect contradictions in obtaining information about the privileges and price offers of the hotel.

At the conclusion of the contract, the hotel is independently notified with the current rules posted in the Reception and Accommodation Service or on the page of the official website of the hotel at http: .

Telephone reception and accommodation services:
Language: + 7 (977) 707-70-97

E-mail of the reception and accommodation service:


The price list of the Hotel contains information about prices and room categories, is posted in the Reception and Accommodation Service of the Hotel and on the official website:

The hotel has the right to set prices and tariffs, apply a system of discounts for all services provided to the Guest, with the exception of those subject to state regulation of prices and tariffs.

The cost of accommodation and additional services is set by the Hotel independently. The hotel determines the list of services that are included in the room price, as well as the terms of their provision.

Booking a hotel room is possible according to one of two options:
• guaranteed booking (available all year round) is a type of booking in which the hotel waits for the Guest until the check-out time of the day following the day of the scheduled arrival. The condition of guaranteed booking is the payment of the reservation (equal to the cost of 1 night stay in the booked room category). In case of late arrival after check-out time, non-arrival of the Guest, or in case of late cancellation of the reservation (less than a day before the date and time of arrival specified in the application), the Guest or the Customer is charged the booking fee for the actual downtime of the room. If you are late for more than a day, the contract is terminated.
• non–guaranteed booking – in case of non-guaranteed booking, the Hotel waits for the Guest until the time of arrival, after which, if the payment of the reservation or the cost of accommodation is not received before the time of arrival, the reservation is canceled and the contract concluded between the parties is terminated.

When booking / placing, the Guest chooses the room category, and the right to choose a specific room belonging to this category remains with the Reception and Accommodation Service of the Hotel.

The booking is considered confirmed after receiving a unique booking number.

Booking of early check-in or late check-out is subject to availability on the day of arrival or departure for an additional fee (daily) and at the discretion of the Hotel administration.

Guaranteed booking is carried out in the following ways:
1) Upon prior request of the Guest through the Hotel’s website, online booking system, by phone, when the Guest makes a payment in the amount of the cost of one night’s stay in a specifically selected room category at the Hotel, by paying the invoice issued by the Hotel or using Internet acquiring or directly at the Hotel by making a booking payment in cash or by bank card. Payment for the reservation must be made within 2 calendar days from the date of invoice. The absence of payment on time is the basis for cancellation of the guaranteed reservation. Making a reservation payment guarantees the Guest the availability of a room from 14.00 on the day of arrival on the reservation until 12.00 hours of the next calendar day at any time of arrival. If the Guest, with a guaranteed reservation, did not use the Hotel accommodation service on the specified day of arrival or was late, he will be charged for the actual downtime of the room.

2) is made upon prior request of the Guest through the counterparty company (online booking platforms), if there is an application from the counterparty and they make a booking payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of hotel services for the entire period of stay at the Hotel by paying the invoice issued by the Hotel. The invoice for the payment of the booking payment must be paid by the counterparty within 2 working days from the date of its receipt. The absence of payment on time is the basis for cancellation of the guaranteed reservation. Making a reservation payment by the counterparty guarantees the Guest the availability of a room from 14.00 on the day of arrival on the reservation until 12.00 hours of the next calendar day at any time of arrival. If the Guest, with a guaranteed reservation, did not use the Hotel accommodation service on the specified day of arrival, refused the services provided by the Hotel, or was late, the booking payment is withheld by the Hotel as a penalty for room downtime in the amount prescribed in the contract with the counterparty.

The request for a guaranteed reservation must necessarily contain the full names of all the Guests who will be provided with Hotel services under this application.

Changing the names of Guests is possible at least 24 hours before the scheduled arrival.


Accommodation of a Guest in the Hotel is carried out only after 100% payment for services for the entire period of stay in the Hotel and only when an employee of the reception and accommodation service is provided with an identity document, according to the list approved by paragraph 18 of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18.11.2020 No. 1853.

• if the Guest’s check-in is made after 00:01, and departure is planned before 12:00 of the same calendar day, the Guest’s settlement is carried out on the current hotel day (from 14:00 of the previous calendar day and until 12:00 of the current calendar day). In other words, for stays of less than one day, the payment is charged per day regardless of the time of arrival, the reservation for the room is provided before check-out time;
• if the Guest is accommodated after 00:01, if the departure is planned before 12:00 of the next calendar day, the Guest’s settlement is carried out from the next hotel day (from 14:00 of the current calendar day and until 12:00 of the next calendar day), while the Guest is charged the cost for two days of stay;

The minimum stay at the Hotel is one hotel day.

The consumer is responsible and compensates for damage in case of loss or damage to the property of the hotel due to his fault in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Rules for the Provision of hotel Services in the Russian Federation.

Registration of Guests who are citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay at the Hotel is carried out in accordance with the Rules of Registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation from the registration register at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995. No. 713 “On Approval of the Rules for Registration and De-Registration of Citizens of the Russian Federation at the Place of Stay and at the Place of Residence within the Russian Federation and the List of Persons Responsible for Receiving and Transferring to the Registration Authorities Documents for Registration and De-Registration of Citizens of the Russian Federation at the Place of Stay and at the Place of Residence within the Russian Federation Federation”. According to p . 14 of the Resolution, registration of a citizen at the place of stay at the Hotel is carried out upon arrival of such a citizen by the Hotel administration on the basis of identity documents.

Registration of a foreign citizen and a stateless person at the place of stay at the Hotel and their removal from the register at the place of stay are carried out in accordance with the Rules for Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15 2007 No. 9 “On the Procedure for Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” on the basis of:

passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen (Article 10 of Law No. 115-FZ of 25.07.02 “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”); a migration card with a mark of the border control authority on the entry of this foreign citizen into the Russian Federation or with a mark of the territorial body of the federal executive authority in the field of migration on the issuance of this migration card to this foreign citizen; a visa for citizens of those countries that have a visa regime with the Russian Federation; previous registration (if more than 7 years have passed since crossing the border days).

In the absence of the required documents, the staff of the reception and accommodation service of the Hotel will be forced to refuse Guests to check in.

Additional information about the list of identity documents used for accommodation at the Hotel, the procedure for registering citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens of stateless persons at the place of stay at the Hotel, can be obtained from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, located at: Moscow, Petrovka str., 38, p. 1, or by calling the help desk of the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia + 7 (495) 694-92-29.

Placement of children

Children whose age at the time of check-in at the Hotel is no more than 5 (Five) years old (for family accommodation, without providing an extra bed) are not charged for staying at the Hotel.

For accommodation in the Hotel of children aged at the time of registration of the settlement in the Hotel, from 5 (Five) years old, a fee of 1,000 rubles / night is charged without providing an extra bed.

The Hotel allows cohabitation in the same room of persons under the age of 18 with persons over the age of 18, provided that these persons are not related in the case of:

• with the written permission of the mother, father, guardian, trustee;
• with the written permission of the guardianship and guardianship authority.

In case of violation of this provision of the Hotel Accommodation Rules, the Hotel administration is not responsible for the possible consequences of the actions of residents. Responsibility for the possible consequences of the actions of residents in full is assigned to a person who has reached the age of 18. Registration at the Hotel of minors under the age of 14 is carried out on the basis of identity documents of their parents (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, accompanying person(s), a document certifying the authority of the accompanying person(s), as well as birth certificates of these minors.

Extension of stay

If it is necessary to extend the time of stay in the room, the Guest can contact the Reception and Accommodation Service of the Hotel. If there are available places in the Hotel, the period of stay can be extended.

Extension of the room for a period of any time from 12:00 to 24:00 is possible if you pay 100% of the cost for one hotel night according to the price list.

The hotel provides services, the cost of which is included in the price of accommodation:

• high-speed Internet “wi-fi” ;
• daily room cleaning;
• change of bed linen and towels (1 time in 3 days)
• use of ironing board and iron;
• luggage storage room;
• call an ambulance, other special services;
• use of a first-aid kit; (The first-aid kit has the composition established by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.03.2011 No. 169n “On approval of the requirements for completing first-aid kits with medical devices for first aid workers” and is located at the duty administrator. The first aid kit contains Instructions for first aid with the use of a first aid kit for first aid workers);
• provision of a sewing kit;
• toiletries;
• slippers;
• wake-up service;
• rental of umbrellas;
• other services at the discretion of the Contractor.

The hotel provides additional services, the cost of which is not included in the room rate:

• copying, printing of documents;
• round-the-clock parking (if available);
• individual washing and ironing services;


Guests have the right to:

• Use all the services of the Hotel.
• Receive complete and reliable information about the opening hours of the Hotel, the cost and list of services and additional services provided, make a pre-order of services.
• Contact the staff of the Reception and Accommodation Service regarding the quality of services provided, leave feedback and suggestions in the Book of reviews and suggestions, which is located in the Reception and Accommodation Service.

Guests are required to:

• Comply with these Rules of Accommodation and provision of services;
• Respect the rights of other Hotel Guests.
• Observe moral and ethical standards, refrain from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances and obscene expressions in public areas of the Hotel.
• Pay bills for the services rendered by the Hotel in the manner provided for by these Rules.
• Protect the property of the Hotel. In case of loss or damage to property, the Guest compensates for the damage in accordance with the procedure provided for by the current legislation. The amount of damage is determined and paid according to the Price List for loss and damage to the property of the Hotel. In case of non-fulfillment of these rules of accommodation by the legal entity on whose behalf the contract for the provision of hotel and related services of the Hotel is concluded, the responsibility is fully borne by the Guest.
• Not to create conditions and prevent accidents of power grids, water and heat supply networks and other technical, engineering systems and equipment of the Hotel;
• If an infectious disease is detected in a Guest or if it is suspected, immediately vacate the Hotel room (Article 33 of the Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ);
• Strictly observe the rules of fire safety in accordance with the procedure provided for in Annex 4 to these Rules, preventing the occurrence of foci of smoke and/or fire;
• Promptly and in full pay for other additional services provided by the Hotel that are not included in the room rate. In case of late payment, their provision is terminated until the full repayment of the debt;
• When leaving the room, close the water intake taps, windows, turn off the lights, TV and other electrical appliances, close the room;
• At the end of the paid period of stay – to vacate the room, namely before 12-00;
• When leaving the Hotel, notify the receptionist on duty about your departure and hand over the key.


The hotel is obliged to:

• To provide services to Guests in a timely, high-quality and in full.
• Inform Guests about the services provided and additional services of the Hotel, the form and procedure of their payment.
• Ensure full compliance of the Hotel’s services with sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules.
• Ensure the confidentiality of information about Hotel Guests.
• Promptly respond to the requests of Guests, taking measures to eliminate accidents and breakdowns in the Hotel rooms as soon as possible.
• The Hotel is not responsible for the loss of money, other currency valuables, securities, bank and telephone cards, jewelry, jewelry and other valuables.
• If forgotten items are found, the Hotel immediately notifies the owner, if the owner is known. The hotel keeps the thing forgotten by the guest in the Hotel in accordance with the category of value established by the internal regulations on forgotten and lost things:
• Valuables – 7 days;
• Things that have no special value – 1 day;
• Personal hygiene items /underwear/alcohol – to be disposed of on the day of detection;
• Products with undisturbed packaging – to be disposed of on the day of detection;
• Products with opened packaging are subject to disposal on the day of detection.
• The Hotel informs Guests that for security purposes, video surveillance is conducted in the Hotel premises, with the exception of rooms, toilets and showers.
• Provide at the first request of the Guest a “Book of reviews and suggestions”, which is located in the Reception and accommodation Service of the Hotel.
• Do not hold noisy events on the territory of the Hotel after 23.00, except for holidays and entertainment programs agreed in advance.

The hotel has the right to:

• The Hotel staff has the right to enter the room for cleaning, changing linen, checking heating, electricity, air conditioning systems or troubleshooting their functioning, as well as in case of violation of these rules by the Guest.
• In case of expiration of the Guest’s stay at the Hotel and his absence at the place of residence for more than 1 hour without payment, independently release the room from the Guest’s belongings by creating a commission from the Hotel representatives.
• In order to improve the quality of services provided to Hotel Guests, record telephone conversations.
• Conduct a telephone survey on the quality of services provided.
• In case of gross violation of these Rules by a Guest, the Hotel has the right to create a commission of representatives of the Hotel, draw up an act on this violation and, if necessary, invite employees of the internal affairs bodies to clarify all the circumstances.
• Evict the Guest ahead of time if the latter violates the terms of the contract, abuses alcohol, narcotic substances and violates the rules of public order, while the Guest reimburses the Hotel for the expenses incurred by him.

VIII. It is prohibited:

• To carry out professional photo/video shooting without the written permission of the Hotel management in the office premises, restaurant kitchen and other premises closed to public access. Photo/video shooting can be carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2124-1 “On Mass Media” dated 27.12.1991: by a journalist upon presentation of a press card in public access areas, namely: halls, elevators, restaurant halls, lobby bar.
• Bring and store weapons, explosive and flammable, caustic, poisonous and other dangerous items; guests who have the right to carry and store weapons by their occupation are required to provide documents certifying this right at the request of the Hotel.
• leave unauthorized persons in the room (persons who are not a party to the declared contract for the provision of hotel services), as well as give them the room key;
• store bulky items, flammable materials, weapons, chemical, radioactive and explosive substances, mercury;
• store and use pyrotechnic products;
• use your own electric heating appliances;
• rearrange the furniture in the room yourself;
• keep animals, birds, reptiles, insects in the room;
• use obscene language in public areas of the Hotel;
• drink alcoholic beverages in the common areas of the hotel;
• smoking on the territory of the Hotel (in the room, in the corridors of the Hotel, in the public areas of the Hotel), with the exception of specially designated places. In case of violation of this rule by the Hotel administration, a general room cleaning service will be charged to the guest’s account in accordance with the approved cost of the service in the amount of 5000 rubles.

For the purposes of these Rules, smoking is understood as the process of inhaling smoke and/or steam, of any origin, including, but not limited to:
smoke and/or steam resulting from the gorenje (smoldering) of tobacco and/or smoking mixtures of vegetable and/or chemical origin (tobacco, Iqos, glo, etc.);
smoke and/or steam arising from the use of electronic systems, electronic cigarettes and other devices producing aerosol and/or vapor and/or smoke by heating the liquid;
smoke and/or steam arising from the use of tobacco heating devices/smoking mixtures (hookah);
smoke and/or steam that occurs when using other devices.
• openly carry any types of civilian, service, combat weapons available to Hotel guests, including in the performance of their official duties, as well as special equipment. Guests who have the right to carry and store weapons by the nature of their activity are obliged, at the request of the Hotel administration, to provide documents certifying this right;
• Remove property belonging to the Hotel from the Hotel;
• Intentionally pollute the Hotel grounds;
• Throw various objects out of windows;
• Finding unaccompanied children under the age of 12 in the guest areas of the Hotel, on stairwells and marches;
• In case of non-compliance with these Rules and the occurrence of negative consequences for children, the Hotel administration is not responsible for their health.

In case of gross violation of the rules of conduct or fire safety rules on the part of the Guest, the Administration has the right to refuse the Guest further stay at the Hotel/

The hotel reserves the right not to provide accommodation services to persons who suspect that these persons are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or psychotropic drugs.


In case of disputed issues regarding the quality of service, the Guest can resolve them during the day with the senior administrator, the management of the Hotel; at night – with a representative of the reception and accommodation service (administrator).

If it is impossible to eliminate the identified shortcomings, the Guest has the right to file a claim in writing with a comment in the “Book of reviews and suggestions” located at the Reception desk on the ground floor of the Hotel, or leave a message to the management on the Hotel’s website or by e-mail-

In order to improve the service and quality of the services provided by the Hotel, the Hotel asks Guests to leave contact details to receive a response from the Hotel (phone, postal address or email address).

In cases not provided for by these Rules, the Hotel Administration and Hotel Guests
are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The hotel administration does not bear property liability if it proves that the violation of its obligations arose as a result of force majeure or through the fault of the Guest.


1.1. When checking into the Hotel, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the location of exits and stairs, the evacuation plan and the location of primary fire extinguishing means.
1.2. In order to comply with fire safety rules, it is prohibited:
• use electric heaters in the room (coffee makers, electric stoves, slow cookers, irons, boilers)
• do not light candles;
• when leaving the room, leave televisions, tape recorders, lamps, air conditioning, lighting lamps switched on; cover the switched-on floor lamps and table lamps with foreign objects, etc.;
• Smoking on the territory of the Hotel (in the room, in the corridors of the Hotel, in the public areas of the Hotel), with the exception of specially designated places. In case of violation of this rule by the Hotel administration, a general room cleaning service will be charged to the guest’s account in accordance with the approved cost of the service in the amount of 5000 rubles.
For the purposes of these Rules, smoking is understood as the process of inhaling smoke and/or steam, of any origin, including, but not limited to:
 smoke and/ or steam resulting from the gorenje (smoldering) of tobacco and / or smoking mixtures of vegetable and /or chemical origin (tobacco, Iqos, glo, etc.);
 smoke and / or steam arising from the use of electronic systems, electronic cigarettes and other devices producing aerosol and/or steam and/or smoke by heating the liquid;
 smoke and/or steam arising from the use of tobacco heating devices/smoking mixtures (hookah);
• bring flammable substances, fireworks and flammable materials to the room.
• Use gas equipment.
• Do not use fire extinguishing agents for their intended purpose.
1.3 If a characteristic smell of burnt insulation of wires or other burning smell is detected, inform the administration immediately.

2.1. Immediately report the incident to any Hotel employee, and then to the fire department from the 112 mobile phone (single emergency number);
2.2. Make sure there is no fire and smoke in the corridor, leave the danger zone and act on the instructions of the Hotel administration or the fire department.
Gorenje 2.3. If it is not possible to eliminate the burning hearth by yourself, leave the room and close the door without locking it.;
2.4. If the door in the room is hot or smoke seeps into the room from the corridor, then it is strictly forbidden to open the door. It is necessary to wet the towels and close all the cracks with them. Even if the door is not hot, you should be ready to quickly slam it if necessary, because under the pressure of the flame, the door can open itself;
2.5. If fire or smoke is outside the window, close the window, tear down curtains or tulle and remove all flammable objects from the window;


3.1. Immediately report the incident to any Hotel employee, and then from a 112 mobile phone (a single emergency call number);
Close all windows and doors and leave the room immediately, activate the fire alarm system by turning on the manual fire detector;
3.2. Stay in the room if a fire in the corridor blocks all exits, or if the corridor is heavily filled with smoke, because even in the absence of a flame, inhaling thick smoke is life-threatening. If there is no fire and heavy smoke in the room, it is better to stay inside.
3.3. If there is smoke in the room, it is necessary to open the windows and turn on the ventilation in the bathroom, put wet towels under the door and in the other door slits, which will prevent smoke from entering the room and avoid draught when the windows are open.
3.4. Make a mask by wrapping your nose and mouth with a damp towel or a piece of clothing, because there is a risk of suffocating with smoke or toxic gas in case of a fire. It is necessary to do everything possible to minimize the ingress of smoke into the lungs.
3.5. It is possible to use an ice bucket, a trash bin or a suitcase to pour water on the door or any other hot surface, or to extinguish the fire in the room.
3.6. A closed and well-sealed door can reliably protect against dangerous temperatures. To avoid smoke poisoning, it is necessary to close the cracks and vents with water-soaked towels or bedding;
3.7. Upon arrival at the scene of the fire, it is necessary to approach the window and give a sign for assistance.
3.8. In case of an organized evacuation of the guests staying at the Hotel, follow the instructions of the administration.


1. The working hours of the laundry are from 10:00 to 22:00.
1.1. The laundry operates in self-service mode.
1.2. Washing is paid and is 200 rubles., The hotel provides washing products.
1.3. Laundry rooms are not intended for storing laundry.
1.4. The laundry room has free access to:
✓ 1 washing machine;
✓ Floor dryer;
✓ Ironing board;
✓ Iron.
2. The use of the washing machine is possible only after reading the brief manual.
2.1. It is necessary to monitor the cycle of washing the laundry and pick it up from the laundry room in a timely manner.
2.2. When unloading the laundry of the previous user from the drum of the machine, carefully fold the laundry into a container and put it on the rack.
2.3. Leave the hatches of the washing machine open after washing.
2.4. If the washing machine does not turn on or does not collect water, contact the Hotel administration
3. The use of the iron is possible only after reading the short manual.
4. The administration is not responsible for the safety and integrity of the Guests’ products after using the washing machine and is also not responsible for things left in the laundry room.


1. Check if the clothes can be ironed. Look at the label, as there are most often instructions on how to care for clothes. If you didn’t find this information there, look at what the thing is made of.
2. Pour water into the iron tank. Use filtered water to avoid clogging the steam holes of the iron.
3. Set the appropriate temperature of the iron and let it warm up.
4. Put the item on the ironing board. Start stroking.
5. Attention: Do not leave the iron in one place for too long to avoid sticking the product to the sole of the iron.
6. Keep the iron in an upright position to avoid fires.
7. Make sure that the cord is positioned freely.
8. Unplug the iron from the outlet after the ironing process is completed to avoid fire.
9. The administration is not responsible for the safety and integrity of the Guests’ products after using the iron and is also not responsible for things left in the laundry room.

What awaits you?

Within walking distance from the Kremlin, Okhotny Ryad, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya, Chekhov metro stations

Privacy Policy

The hotel is located in a quiet courtyard, where you won’t hear the noise of Tverskaya Street

The Internet

Uninterrupted high-speed Internet for every guest

Working areas

Common areas for quiet work


Daily cleaning and maintenance of cleanliness

24/7 Services

24-hour front desk service

Foreigners are welcome

The staff speaks Russian and English

Laundry services

We provide a washing machine, iron

Luggage storage services

You can leave your luggage for some time before check-in or after check-out
